Bryher is just a short hop over from Tresco and about 20 minutes from St Mary's by tripper boat. It has a very different in feel to both and is the smallest of the inhabited islands on Scilly with a population of about 80+.
For this stroll we started on Church Quay and set off north across the beach

There are two quays on Bryher for use on the various tide states. This one is still often known as Anneka Quay after a quay made in this location by Anneka Rice during the challenge Anneka TV series, although the original quay has now been replaced with this concrete version.
The channel between Tresco and Bryher and both quays is actually tide dependent and both are inaccessible to boats at low tide.

Continuing north to the tip of the island you get to this headland, Shipman Head. Its on the wild northern tip of the island with the aptly named Hell Bay just to the left. and gives spectacular views of wild seas in a storm.
Following the coast around Hell Bay and continuing back south you come to Popplestone Neck. At the end of this bay is the Hell Bay Hotel where you can continue along the coast to the southern end of the island and Rushey Bay or you can do as we did and head inland across the island back to where we started.

Almost back to Church Quay and you come to Bryher Church which is worth a quick visit.

The beautiful stained glass windows have been made by local glass artist Oriel Hicks.